Amie// Artist Research // Leviathan - Sensory Ethnography Lab
In my film I wanted to concentrate on imbuing the sensation of pleasure, however after much research on this, I have come to learn that pleasure can be different for everyone. What one person finds pleasurable, another person may not find it pleasurable. My aim is to gather the collective pleasures and more so what the collective might find beautiful. I will concentrate on how the camera movements create a sense of tactility and record what sensations come up for me whilst watching them. I plan to send the same videos out to my peers in order to get some primary research on what kind of senses are ignited whilst watching them too. I have done some mind mapping and come up with various things to search for when finding the footage. I think the thing to concentrate on here is how the camera is used as an extension of the body to imbue a sensory affect. I found this trailer to the film Leviatan by Sensory Ethnography Lab and feel it is a perfect example of how the audience could be taken along a sensory journey. The use of camera angles is brilliant. 'The films are an act of embodiment, via the human and the nonhuman, designed to heighten the viewer’s senses through associative remembering'
Mind mapping on pleasure...