I felt a bit overwhelmed that my ideas went in two completely different directions. Then, I organised them on a page to keep my mind clear. Please see below for my notes for how I developed from the beginning and what ideas did I add to my video work.
I began my journey from a starting point of Christian Marclay's work, "The Clock". I like this work so much that I have used it as inspiration a few times in the past. This time, I wanted to look at it from a brand new angle. From Marclay's understanding of time, I developed my ideas. He said time could be different. When you engage, you feel it goes quickly; if not, it is endless. Based on we have different feelings of the time, something is controlling it behind, I think it is the brain. It controls what we see and how we feel, so my ideas are divided into two parts, eyes and brains. Our brains only show us what they want to see, in other words, they select things to see. According to psychology, it is called Selective Blindness, which I have mentioned in my previous post. Besides, brains control what we see, although it is not a fact. For example, if you concentrate, you might change direction on a moving object, a train or a flying bird. Moreover, Motion-Induced Blindness also happens when our eyes concentrate on a central point, the dots around it will disappear and reappear again. Our brains lied to us the dots do not exist. The example of Motion-Induced Blindness let me associate a word, 'illusions'. When human has illusions, we can see things we can not see or can not see things exist. It let me come up with an idea for a kaleidoscope. I was thinking, if I increase the number of the moving image, whether the Motion-Induced Blindness still happens. If I rotate it or add a colour filter to it, whether it still works? If I show it to people who has blindness, they can not see green or yellow, what would happen?
Apart from these ideas, I also came up with an idea about genders. We see things differently, sometimes because of gender. Humans have certain interests, but from a big part of us, I grouped them into three parts, men, women, children. I assume a sense, very common in movies, a living room in a middle-class family's house. I let three human kinds look at this scene and find out what are their focuses. I might ask a man, do you notice there is a fragrance in this room? The answer might be not, because he looks at a fashion magazine with a beautiful lady on the cover. Then, I will ask the woman, do you notice there is a toy car on the floor? The answer maybe be 'maybe?'. Because the fragrance on the table drew her attention, she did not notice it, but I ask her, she doubts. Same way to ask a child, he might also tell me there is a toy car but no magazines. At last, only the green ball on the floor in the dog's eyes. These are all my imagination, but I think these problems exist. If I play a video in a gallery, I set a few questions to interact with the viewers. I think it would be a very interesting project, to know how brains control us in a way of art.
On another hand, brains control our feelings of the time. Simple and straightforward, I would like to make a video about time and space. I would like to set two locations, the first one would be the UK, where are we right now. And the other one would be very far away to a mountain, maybe Hokkaido, Japan. Then I would show two scenes playing at the same time, that the viewers can see two places have huge differences, and how the objects show times. The scene in London, I would choose a working place or a street view, very busy and chaotic. I would like a view to see the city runs from a high position, from angles of birds, to see how busy this city is. A big contract in the second scene, everything happens slowly and peaceful. For example, clouds in the sky, close up to the melting ice on the mountain in Hokkaido. These objects tell times even you don't have a clock. Time goes, when the ice melts. But in two different scenes, I can feel the times go differently, one is fast and one is slow. However, they happen at the same time, just in two different places, two countries, and two views. The way I make two in one frame show this idea.
Please share your opinions and I would be very happy to hear.