It happened in 1957, a market researcher James Vicary inserted the sentence "Eat Popcorn and Drink Coca-Cola" into a movie and this subliminal ad created an increase with 18.1% in Coca-Cola sales and 57.8% in popcorn sales. It appeared a single frame, that was too short for people to notice.


Here is the image of the ad, from INSIDER.

It shows the fact that our brains actually remember what we saw and store it in our memories, and force us to do something, for example, to eat popcorn and drink coke. The interesting thing is, we do not consciously perceive they are in our mind, because of attention. We do not pay attention to them, so we think they do not exist. Besides, the article (LOVE, 2011) also stated that the words flashed quickly and eyes might not aware of them, but their brains received the information, and positive words are received significantly faster than negative.

Therefore, I would like to add these elements to my video. I will make low opacity of the objects and test whether people can catch this information. Also, I would like to add texts to my video in a single frame and test if viewers really catch positive words faster than negative.

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